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President Johnson's visit to Australia during the Vietnam War was met by Australian anti-war protests.

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They sent some infantry, artillery, and a regiment of Centurion tanks to Vietnam.

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Australia was drafting men to fight the war.

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Q: What was Australia's reaction to the Vietnam war?
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Australias involvment in the Vietnam War?

Australia deployed a regiment of their Centurion tanks to Vietnam.

Reaction to Vietnam war?

Protesting and dodging the draft.

Did Australias contribution to the Vietnam war help?

Yes it did, you might be surprised to know that Australian forces were fighting in Vietnam 3 years before America even joined the war. Aussies were also the first to follow the Viet Kong into the tunnels. Australias contribution was modest with thousands deployed at any one time. The most famous battle of the war involving Australia was the Battle of Long Tan where 30 Aussies fought off 2000+ Viet Kong. It is a shame that the war was lost in the end.

What was Americas Reaction to Vietnam America?

America's reaction to the war, was largely due to the draft, protests and riots.

In reaction to the growing opposition to war in Vietnam President Johnson announced in 1968 that he would?

negotiate with North Vietnam

What was the western worlds reaction to the Vietnam War?

They didn't want it to escalate into a nuclear war; then they'd be involved.

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What was the publics reaction with Australia and Americas involvement in the Vietnam war?

Draft protests and riots.

What affect was the Vietnam's government reaction to the Gulf of Tonkin?

The war was against North Vietnam. So maybe they weren't too happy about that. South Vietnam was probably happy about it.

What was the US Government's reaction towards conscientious objectors during the Vietnam war?

Once engaged on a war, no way to come back.

What was the Vietnamese' peoples reaction to the war in Vietnam?

Around 600,000 Vietnamese died in the Vietnam War. More Vietnamese died than Americans. That amazes me.

Who lived in Vietnam during the Vietnam war?

Q who was the victor of the Vietnam war? A I have no idea who won the Vietnam war!!!!