Throughout the 1930s Britain was more prosperous than Germany in terms of income per head and it was less severely affected by the Great Depression than either Germany or the U.S.
As for military strength, the issue is difficult. When Hitler came to power Britain was not expecting to be involved in a major war and had been spending as little as possible on defence. (However, there were contingency plans to build up the armed forces if the need arose. These plans were based on certain assumptions about the likely speed with which a potential enemy could build up its forces, so these plans weren't simple).
Although Britain was a great power the British Empire was geographically far flung, whereas Germany was a single compact country with easy internal communications.
In the 1920s and early 1930s Britain had invested very heavily in the Southern Hemisphere - South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. One important side-effect of this was that Britain was least powerful where it need a really firm 'clenched fist' when confronting Germany - namely, in Europe.
Starting in 1934 Britain did in fact start to build up its defenses, starting with the RAF. From 1935 onwards vast sums were spent on defense. A lot of this expenditure was based on the assumption that Germany would not be ready to fight a major war till 1941 or 1942.
In Britain there was a widespread feeling that the Treaty of Versailles had been too harsh and there was a willingness in principle to alter some of its provisions.
Unlike Germany, Britain was a democracy and politicians had to gain public support for their policies. There was no desire in Britain for a 're-run' of WW1.
Remember that hindsight is man's greatest gift: ask any stockbroker. :)
Yes Britain was a democracy and the British people didn't particularly want to fight another war so soon after "The war to end all wars"
France was more concerned with its own defence than becoming involved in policing other territories and the USA was suspicious of becoming drawn into any conflict where it would only directly benefit its allies, as had happened in WWI.
Hitler actually produced better political arguments than military campaigns.
During the inter war years there was a great emphasis on Self determination for all nations, as laid down by Woodrow Wilson when he drew up his 14 points for peace.
Hitler used this argument for all his intial expansion. All he apealed for was German rule for Germanic people. In the Rhineland, in Austria, in the Sudetenland and even in Poland, which before 1914 had been ruled by Germany for centuries.
If Britain alone had tried to resist what seemed to be reasonable demands, then had war broken out, they would not have received the same support from the USA than they did after they gave into Hitler's demands time and time again only for him to push for more and more. For example, if Britain had sent troops into the Rhineland then the Nazis would have campaigned for support in the USA rather than the British.
Britain was always primarily a sea power. In both World Wars in the beginning, they only sent a token force to support France, so for Britain to take on Germany alone would be unthinkable. Only when they were forced into that position after Dunkirk, did they even consider it.
I think Germany, they have got powerful tanks, about 635,000 troops, not to mention that Germany has a long history of producing some hard core soldiers. They have always been good scientists, and have a good reputation of clever and cunnning military strategy.
My money would be on Great Britain and Germany
In the year 1939, the United States is at the top ofÊthe list as most powerful country. United States isÊfollowed by Great Britain and Germany.
Between Germany and Great Britain there was militarism. When Great Britain raised their military and made it better so did Germany. As a result of this Great Britain did the same. It kept going back and forth like this. This action is called militarism.
I read this from a book, but women in ww2 made air crafts for Britain during the war of Britain. ( Britain defending against Germany)
Although Germany, Britain, and China are powerful countries, the US is undoubtably the most powerfuly.
I think Germany, they have got powerful tanks, about 635,000 troops, not to mention that Germany has a long history of producing some hard core soldiers. They have always been good scientists, and have a good reputation of clever and cunnning military strategy.
German military power should be permanently restricted.
The Triple Entente, which consisted of Britain, France and Russia, caused concern for Germany. Between Britain, France and Russia, three large and powerful armies existed. Germany was also troubled by the sheer size of the British Empire. Britain in particular was unhappy about Germany's plans to increase the size of its military and it beginning to seize African colonies as a show of strength.
My money would be on Great Britain and Germany
1.Great Britain 2.France 3.Germany
Because Britain was allied with much more powerful countries: the USSR and USA.
Because the chancellor is the chief executive and head of military in Germany.
Battle of Britain
In WWI, Britain was on a previous arm race with Germany. Germany was on her way to become an industrial nation of fleet and military equal to that of Britain, so Britain was in for: 1. Arm Race and naval pride. 2. Her will to stay on the top of the colonization pyramid and have many colonies, this was a shared goal with Germany and Britain was not willing to share. 3. To "test" the military power (militarism). 4. Alliances that were nailing Britain to help (actually benefited Britain, but the first motivation was to help). 5. Nationalism.
It's all about promises.In WW1 Britain promised to protect Belgium and after Germany invaded them to get to France war was declared upon Germany from Britain.In WW2 Britain had agreed to protect and help Poland in all military scuffles and when Germany invaded and refused to leave Poland Britain declared war upon Germany.
Germany had a greater army than Great Britain during WWI. Germany outnumbered Great Britain by about 4 million military personnel. Great Britain had to have more numbers from other allies to meet the numbers.