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Biological warfare.

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Q: What was Germ warfare?
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What actors and actresses appeared in Germ Warfare - 2013?

The cast of Germ Warfare - 2013 includes: Jamie Matfin

What is another word for diseases used in war?

Germ warfare. Biological warfare. Bioagents.

What are the release dates for Dinosaurs - 1991 Germ Warfare 3-6?

Dinosaurs - 1991 Germ Warfare 3-6 was released on: USA: 6 November 1992

What are the release dates for Recess - 1997 Germ Warfare 4-36?

Recess - 1997 Germ Warfare 4-36 was released on: USA: 29 February 2000

What is Biowepons?

That is one name for biological weapons, germ warfare.

What are the release dates for Lonelygirl15 - 2006 Germ Warfare Attack 2-113?

Lonelygirl15 - 2006 Germ Warfare Attack 2-113 was released on: USA: 7 December 2007

What were the new weapons that came from World War 1?

germ warfare

What new technologies were introduced in the great war?

Tanks Poison Gas Germ Warfare

What are some examples of germ warfare in the 1900s?

small pox by british to first nations but that had happen in 1763

If you farted in a jar would you send it to germ warfare?

this is a radiculous question. This should never have been allowed on to the site.

What type of warfare was attempted in Pontiac's War?

Germ Warfare was used when blankets were exposed to people suffering from smallpox and the contaminated blankets were allowed to fall into the hands of Native Americans at Fort Pitt.

Topic about a device include technology?

computers, internet, nuclear weapons, germ warfare, denial of basic human rights, aviation.