IG Farben was a large German corporation which had a factory that became part of the Auschwitz concentration camp. The IG Farben factory was at Monowitz which is also called Auschwitz III.
It was not really called "Bayer" at that time, it was called "I.G. Farben"
The Buna camp (Monowitz, Auschwitz III) made various plastics for I.-G. Farben. It was the first concentration camp built by private entreprise.
It was called Zyklon B, a commercial form of hydrocyanic acid, which became active on contact with air. It was manufactured by a firm called Degesch, which was largely owned by I.G. Farben.
The American colonies, Britain, and FranceThe Revolutionary War was a thing, not a person. If you would like to know who was IN the Revolutionary War, go to www.Google.com/ig and type the soldiers of the Revolutionary War.
The Buna-Werke, which made synthetic rubber, was part of the I.-G. Farben Group. It established its very own (private entreprise) concentration camp close to Auschwitz. It was called Monowitz (or Auschwitz III) and used slave labour to produced various plastics.
IG Farben was created on 1925-12-25.
IG Farben Building was created in 1930.
The cast of IG Farben - 2009 includes: Vivian Assadourian as Middlebau Camp Victim Vivian Assaurdian as Middlebau Camp Victum Natalie Dolishny Pharasi Jones as Herrero Warrior
The most commonly used was Zyklon B, a cyanide-based pesticide. Degesch was a chemical company consortium that manufactured the gas. It was owned 42.5% by IG Farben, 42.5% by Degussa, the rest by another company. Many chemical companies supplied components which went into the gas crystals. Dessauer did the actual manufacturing, the stabilizer came from IG Farben, the warning agent from Schering. Schering-Plough and IG Farben are still in business. US General Eisenhower had his headquarters in the IG Farben building immediately after Germany surrendered. The building had not been bombed. Zyklon B is still manufactured, in Kolin in the Czech Republic, under the tradename Uragan D2, for use against insects and small animals.
Auschwitz III (Monowitz) was a chemicals plant built and owned by the German chemicals conglomerate IG-Farben. The original intention was to make synthetic rubber, but the plant only managed to produce various plastics. Initially, prisoners were marched to and from the factory from Auschwitz I, but the long distance meant they arrived tired for their slave labour, so IG-Farben built huts and established a satellite camp.
Around 15,000 Jewish People were killed at Auschwitz III (Monowitz) most of these were killed due to the workings at the IG Farben Factory.
Joseph Borkin has written: 'The crime and punishment of I. G. Farben' -- subject(s): I.G. Farben Trial, Nuremberg, Germany, 1947-1948, Interessengemeinschaft Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft, War crime trials 'Germany's master plan' -- subject(s): Economic policy, Germany, Industrial Trusts, Industries, Industry 'Die unheilige Allianz der IG Farben. Eine Interessengemeinschaft im Dritten Reich'
The Wikipedia article on Zyklon B states: 'Degesch (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Schädlingsbekämpfung mbH, or German Corporation for Pest Control) and Testa (Tesch und Stabenow, Internationale Gesellschaft für Schädlingsbekämpfung m.b.H.), under license from patentholder IG-Farben'.