1 million people of which 110 000 people served in WW1 of which 73 000 were casualties, which was the second highest (on a percentage of population basis) of all the Allies
Nobles and Serfs. Serfs(slaves) were most of the population.
NZ was colonized by the British and a country in the British Empire. When Great Britain went to war with Germany, so did NZ, Australia, Canada, and other countries which were then part of the British Empire. WW1 was not merely a clash of countries. It was a clash of empires, even more so than WW2, and it is difficult to equate in a modern context now that Imperialism is in the past. The question "Why should NZ get involved?" was probably not asked in NZ at the time, at least not aloud.
July 28, 1914 when Archduke Ferdinand was assasinated.July 28, 1914
July 28, 1914 to November 11, 1918 (July 28, 1914, assasination of archduke Ferdinand) (November 11 1918, treaty of Versailles)
6th august 1914
The estimated population of New Zealand in 1914 was around 1.1 million people.
The population of Tonga is estimated to be around 105,000 people.
in 1914
1914 populationAustralia's population in 1914 was 4 948 990.
The ANZAC's went to fight in Gallipoli in 1914 or 1915.
There are no towns in NZ with a population bigger than 50,000 (the definition of a city in NZ) the largest town beginning with S is Stoke in Wellington, population around 15,000.
The population of NZ is 4,365.113 as of July 2013.
In Turkey,1914's population of Turkey(Ottoman Empire in 1914) between 14.155.755.
The most easterly city in NZ is Gisborne in the north island with a population of 33,000.
In 1914, the cost of a newspaper in New Zealand varied depending on the publication and location. On average, a newspaper could cost between 1 or 2 pence.