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It was a list of people considered to be enemies of the state (Federal Government) or spies. These people were either interned or arrested and tried. It did not matter what their racial or national background was: if they suspected or had proof of someone being an enemy of the state they were dealt with.

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12y ago

the blacklist during the cold war was basically saying that television and radio workers like actors or film writers were communist, former communist or communist sympathizers.

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Recently blacklist college

How do you blacklist a business?

You can't - unless you have your own personal blacklist.

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There is no such thing as a college blacklist.

What is the ISBN of Blacklist novel?

The ISBN of Blacklist - novel - is 0399150854.

What effect did blacklist have?

The blacklist shattered the careers of the entertainment figures who were on it.

Where can one get the spam blacklist?

One can get the spam blacklist from the following spam blacklist providers online; spam and virus firewall on Barracuda Networks, The spam house project and Blacklist Compared site.

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There was no "front" in the Cold War.

Are Polands in the Cold war?

polands are not in the cold war

What is a sentence for blacklist?

I'm sorry sir but you are on the blacklist. You cannot come in.A blacklist is a group of people who are banned from entering something.

How many pages does Blacklist - novel - have?

Blacklist - novel - has 448 pages.