The war was fought from 1853 to 1856 between Russia and the UK, France, Sardinia (Now apart of Italy) and the Ottoman Empire for control of declining Ottoman Empire Territory. It was also fought in the Baltic regions. It basically started because of Napoleon III and the French ambassador to the Ottoman Empire claiming France as the sovereign nation of the holy land, which Russia disputed. Long story short, The Crimean War ended shortly after France deposed Napoleon III and became a republic. France at that time, deemed Russia no longer a threat after an agreement between Russia and Ottomans to respect Ottoman Sovereignty. Russia's Naval influence became weaker in the Black sea region. Prussia and Parts of Austria merged with a new and power ful German Empire.
This war was the first of its kind to use "War Correspondents" Woman participated actively as nurses and in manufacturing jobs.Florence Nightingale was famous for the introduction of modern nursing methods. It was also credited in the tactical use of railroads and telegraph technology.
The Crimean Peninsula is located in the Black Sea. The arm's race of the 19th century (1800's) consisted of building navies; armies are helpless without a navy to transport them...referred to as "military projection." In Europe, the primary competitors in the "arm's race" were Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and Russia. Part of competition, is ELIMINATING some of the competition. Britain and France went after Russia after learning that they were building "dry docks" for ship construction in Sevastopol, Crimea. When the Crimean War was won in 1856, the first thing Britain did, was totally destroy those Russian dry docks. This left Great Britain, France, Italy, and Germany. Italy was not considered an aggressive threat...this left Britain, France, and Germany. By the 1880's all of these nations, to include the United States, now embarked on steel battleship construction (replacing wooden navies); to continue the "arm's race." Russia got back on it's feet and re-entered the contest, and Japan was now added to the race. Germany, wanting to replace France as Britain's traditional opponent, made plans to eliminate Russia again, so it could concentrate on building a battleship navy that could take on England. So Germany badgered the Tsar in 1904 to fight Japan; this might eliminate two contestants with one stroke! The Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 did eliminate Russia's NAVY all the way up to WW2; but only weakened the Japanese Navy. After 1906, Germany was able to build her battleship navy to take on Great Britain in WW1.
The war was fought from 1853 to 1856 between Russia and the UK, France, Sardinia (Now apart of Italy) and the Ottoman Empire for control of declining Ottoman Empire Territory. It was also fought in the Baltic regions. It basically started because of Napoleon III and the French ambassador to the Ottoman Empire claiming France as the sovereign nation of the holy land, which Russia disputed. Long story short, The Crimean War ended shortly after France deposed Napoleon III and became a republic. France at that time, deemed Russia no longer a threat after an agreement between Russia and Ottomans to respect Ottoman Sovereignty. Russia's Naval influence became weaker in the Black sea region. Prussia and Parts of Austria merged with a new and power ful German Empire.
This war was the first of its kind to use "War Correspondents" Woman participated actively as nurses and in manufacturing jobs.Florence Nightingale was famous for the introduction of modern nursing methods. It was also credited in the tactical use of railroads and telegraph technology.
Britain, France & Turkey were trying to prevent Russia access to the Mediterranean Sea
On the Crimean Peninsular during Crimean War where Britain and France fought Russia
Italian states participated in the Crimean War to gain assistance from France.
Crimean War
The Crimean War
Aided the soldiers in their time of being casualties during the Crimean War.
On the Crimean Peninsular during Crimean War where Britain and France fought Russia
Florence Nightingale
Ms. Nightingale never actually fought in any war but was in charge of 30+ nurses at a hospital near the Crimean War front. Her war was more or less against poor sanitary conditions first in the Crimean war, then Britain and eventually influencing the world.
During the Crimean War when she was young she felt as if God was calling on her to help others so she nursed in he Crimean War in 1854.
Hospital Scutari during the Crimean War
Florence Nightingale.
The Europeans, particularilily Britain and Russia.
Florence Nightingale became known as " The Lady with the lamp" by the wounded soldiers that she cared for at Scutari in the Crimean War.
ANSWER Russia lost the Crimean War.