the invasion of normandy on June 6th, 1944 was the largest amphibious landing in world history
because of it's magnitude of men, ships, aircraft and supplies....................
The invasion of Normandy is considered one of the the greatest naval invasions because it involved over 11,000 ships from British, American, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand, Polish, French, and Dutch navies. Many of the smaller landing ships were even crewed by the US Coast Guard.
The invasion of Normandy, starting with D-Day was the largest naval and air invasion ever. In four months they landed more troops, vehicles and cargo than at any other time in history.
The greatest in numbers: D-Day/Normandy in 1944, had the greatest COLLECTION of vessels and personnel. The greatest in violence: Okinawa in 1945, was the most violent and deadly.
because of it's magnitude of men, ships, aircraft and supplies....................
The invasion of Normandy is considered one of the the greatest naval invasions because it involved over 11,000 ships from British, American, Canadian, Australian, New Zealand, Polish, French, and Dutch navies. Many of the smaller landing ships were even crewed by the US Coast Guard.
Because it employed more vessels than any other invasion, before or since.
The invasion of Normandy, starting with D-Day was the largest naval and air invasion ever. In four months they landed more troops, vehicles and cargo than at any other time in history.
michael jordan was one of historys greatest generals in the first regimant
Iwo Jima
Spike Milligan.
adolf Hitler
The greatest in numbers: D-Day/Normandy in 1944, had the greatest COLLECTION of vessels and personnel. The greatest in violence: Okinawa in 1945, was the most violent and deadly.
Kings and Emperors.
he lost his father when he was 15 years old. he died in 44 B.C. he is remembered as one of the historys greatest generals and the key ruler of the roman empire.