There are too many wars: the cold at Valley Forge, the defense of Washington in 1812, the bitter defiance of Mexico, the brother against brother of the Civil War, the Barbary Coast, WWI, WWII, Haiti, the Boxer Rebellion, Korea, Vietnam, Bosnia, Iraq, and the clean but pressure keg environment of the Cold War. Life for the troops vary, are accepted, tolerated and dealt with. Men die, are maimed and wounded, captured and tortured and men who also served got the gear moved to the ports and harbors, shipped it across hostile waters and got the "beans. bullets and band-aids to the place they were needed. Boring, tedium, anxiety and terror, and repeat it over again, and again. Troops were rarely hungry, thirsty or out of ammo, ships and aircraft got the fuel they needed to do their jobs. Life for troops varied from war to war, season to season, generation to generation, but it always includes boredom, tedium, anxiety, terrorand hopefully relief after victory. There are too many wars: the cold at Valley Forge, the defense of Washington in 1812, the bitter defiance of Mexico, the brother against brother of the Civil War, the Barbary Coast, WWI, WWII, Haiti, the Boxer Rebellion, Korea, Vietnam, Bosnia, Iraq, and the clean but pressure keg environment of the Cold War. Life for the troops vary, are accepted, tolerated and dealt with. Men die, are maimed and wounded, captured and tortured and men who also served got the gear moved to the ports and harbors, shipped it across hostile waters and got the "beans. bullets and band-aids to the place they were needed. Boring, tedium, anxiety and terror, and repeat it over again, and again. Troops were rarely hungry, thirsty or out of ammo, ships and aircraft got the fuel they needed to do their jobs. Life for troops varied from war to war, season to season, generation to generation, but it always includes boredom, tedium, anxiety, terrorand hopefully relief after victory. There are too many wars: the cold at Valley Forge, the defense of Washington in 1812, the bitter defiance of Mexico, the brother against brother of the Civil War, the Barbary Coast, WWI, WWII, Haiti, the Boxer Rebellion, Korea, Vietnam, Bosnia, Iraq, and the clean but pressure keg environment of the Cold War. Life for the troops vary, are accepted, tolerated and dealt with. Men die, are maimed and wounded, captured and tortured and men who also served got the gear moved to the ports and harbors, shipped it across hostile waters and got the "beans. bullets and band-aids to the place they were needed. Boring, tedium, anxiety and terror, and repeat it over again, and again. Troops were rarely hungry, thirsty or out of ammo, ships and aircraft got the fuel they needed to do their jobs. Life for troops varied from war to war, season to season, generation to generation, but it always includes boredom, tedium, anxiety, terrorand hopefully relief after victory.
The life expectancy of a soldier landing in the streets of Normandy was about 3 seconds. Every three seconds a soldier would die.
Yes. Near war's end on September 28, 1918, a wounded Lance Corporal Hitler, withdrawing from the French village of Marcoing, was in the rifle sights of British Pvt. Henry Tandey, who "didn't have the heart to shoot a wounded man". In later years, both Hitler and Tandey were fully aware of each other's identity.
Life was good then life was life so life is something with life
My Father earned his by saving the life of his Captain in WWII in the town of Saarlautern, Germany. His Captain was jumped by a German soldier on November 21, 1944. My Father, being a former heavyweight boxer, hand-to-hand knife fighting specialist dispatched the German soldier and saved his Captains life. That is one way.
compare the conditions of 17th century social, economic, and religious life in new england and the chesapeake region
The average life expectancy in England in the 17th century was 39.7 years, from birth to death.
the average was about 35
Oil is the life blood of our economy. Without oil we would revert back to life as it was in the 17th century.
I don't know. Look here:
Because It Was Slave Time It Was Quite Bad But The Local Athurities And Culture Was Goood
life as a soldier was scary. violent.
Yes, cells were known to exist as basic units of life in the 17th century. The discovery of cells is credited to Robert Hooke, who observed them in 1665 using a microscope. This finding laid the foundation for the development of cell theory.
life as a soldier was scary. violent.
Vanitas was a major type of still life in the 17th century in the northen Europe mostly in the Netherlands. Still life photograghy is a new modern type of still life containing phots of still life art.
There are several paintings entitled "still life" or "vanitas" by saint-andre. Be more specific. Of course they were all from the second half of the 17th century...