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Van Pals

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Q: What was peters last name Van Pels or Vann Dann?
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Was Peters last name was it Peter Parker or Peter Willson?

Seems like you are referring to Anne Frank's Peter. His last name was neither of those. It is actually Peter van Pels.

Is it Peter Van Daan or Peter Van Pels?

It is Peter Van Pels. In Anne Frank's diary, she refers to him as Peter Van Pels, as this was his actual last name. The name "Peter Van Daan" was a pseudonym used in the published version of her diary.

What is peters last name in anne frank?

Peter's last name in Anne Frank's diary is van Daan. He is referred to as Peter van Daan throughout the diary.

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The plural for Peter is PETERS`

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my last name is peters and i want to know what it means people make fun of me because its peters it sounds like pee in the first

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Patricia Claire Peters has written: 'When last I saw you' 'Early morning on Castaway Street'

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Which character was the last to join the annex in the diary of anne frank?

Anne Frank (obviously) Margot Frank (Anne's sister) Otto Frank (Anne's father) Edith Frank-Holländer The Van Pels Family: (known as the Van Daan family in Anne's Diary) Auguste van Pels Hermann van Pels Peter van Pels Fritz Pfeffer (known as Albert Dussel in Anne's Diary)

What verses in the bible that supports spirituality in the last days?

Acts 2; Peters speech to the crowd ...

What is the name of the Van Daans Son?

Peter Van Daan, but their real last names was the van Pels. Anne changed it in her diary so they wouldn't get in trouble if they were caught.

What is the name of the van daan son?

Peter Van Daan, but their real last names was the van Pels. Anne changed it in her diary so they wouldn't get in trouble if they were caught.

Who lived with the franks in hiding?

Dussel, I'm not sure if it was his first or last name but he was around 58 years old and was a dentist