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There is some confusion here. There is no war that historians call 'The Holocaust War'. The Holocaust (Nazi genocide of the Jews) took place during World War 2, but World War 2 was not about the Holocaust. The two are distinct, though related. Please see the related questions.

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Q: What was the Holocaust War?
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Related questions

What war began when the Holocaust began?

No war 'began when the Holocaust began'. The Holocaust took place during World War 2 but was not one of the causes of the war.

Was the Holocaust part of the Civil War?

No the holocaust wasn't part of the civil war. The civil war was over slavery and the holocaust was for world war 2 and the Nazis getting rid of the Jews

Was the holocaust in World War I or 2?

The holocaust was during World War 2

What were the wars after the Holocaust?

There was the Cold War after the Holocaust. The Cold War was a war which used words and threats, but no weapons and bombs.

Where was the war for the Holocaust?

There was no "war for the holocaust" - and the Holocaust took place mainly in Poland and the former Soviet Union.---Please see the related questions.

The Holocaust begin in 1940 after World War 2?

The Holocaust was during World War 2

Was the Holocaust a result of World War 2?

No. The Holocaust took place during World War 2, under the cloak of the war, as it were.

Did the Holocaust and World War 2 happen at the same time?

the holocaust was in the duration of world war II, ___ Yes, the Holocaust took place during World War 2.

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What were some conflicts for the holocaust children in the nazi war?"

What world war war was the holocaust?


Did the Holocaust finish when Germany surrended the war?

the short answer is: the persecution did, but the Holocaust did not

When was the Jewish Holocaust fought?

The Holocaust wasn't a war. Please see the related questions.