The Confederacy moved its capital from Alabama to Richmond, Virginia. It remained there for the better part of the Civil War. Much to the concern of Lincoln as he could not understand why the Army of the Potomac could not capture it earlier. Richmond is a stone's throw away from Washington DC.
The Capital of the US remained in Washington, DC. The Capital of the Confederate States was first established in Montgomery, Alabama and was moved to Richmond, Virginia after 6 May 1861 where it remained in place until 3 April 1865. Danville, Virginia was its Capital for one week after the fall of Richmond to Union forces.
The south, or Confederate States of America, actually had three capitals during the Civil War. Montgomery, Alabama was the capital from February 4 to May 29, 1861. The capital was then relocated to Richmond, Virginia until April 2, 1865. The last capital was Danville, Virginia, from April 3 to April 10, 1865.
Washington d.c.
Before the Civil War Montgomery Alabama was considered the capital of the south. When Virginia entered the confederacy during the Civil War, the capital of the South was moved to Richmond Virginia.
The union capital stayed in Washington, DC.
The border states were still in the Union and the capital of the US is Washington, DC. The American Civil war lasted from 1861 to 1865.
The first ironclad of the North was the USS Monitor. Afterwards it built many ironclad ships, many based on the design of the Monitor.
Washington d.c.
navy blue
Mary-Joe-anna or Jo-mama
to free all slaves from slavry in the south
Much bigger population and much bigger manufacturing capacity.
during the civil war washington D.c was the capital of the union
Richmond was the capital of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War.
The most talented President the Americans ever had
Richmond, Virginia was the capital of the Confederate States of America during the U.S. Civil War.
Arkansas had two capitals during the Civil War. The capital was Little Rock, but during the Civil War, the Confederate government made Hot Springs the capital also.
The capital was Richmond.
One of the things the North wanted to do was to capture the Mississippi River, dividing the south in half.