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the confederates wanted to be their own country, but Abraham Lincoln didn't want that. I personally think that Lincoln should have let them become their own country and let them later beg him to let them back into the United States

As a descendent of southern soldiers, I am glad we are one nation now. We fought hard and long, won most of the battles, won the admiration of our foes, but it is good we didn't split the nation. That being said, had we won, it's doubtful we would have begged to come back in the Union. We southerners don't beg.

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The Civil War was a war between the anti-slavery North (Union) and the pro-slavery states in the South which had begun to secede from the Union at the time of Abraham Lincoln's election to the presidency. A common misconception is that the war was solely fought for the purposes of resolving the decades-long slavery debate, but rather deeply-rooted structural economic differences also contributed to the split and following war. After a long campaign ranging as far west as the Mississippi and all the way north into southern Pennsylvania, the North won, what is regarded as a war of attrition. In reality, there was no chance the South could have ever prevailed.

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