The Sherman tank. Unfortunately, it was smaller and less heavily armed than the German Tiger tank and would be easily defeated in a frontal assault. However, US tankers learned to ambush the Tiger and maneuver around to the side and back which was less heavily armored and destroy them that way.
The German made tiger tanks.
It depends on what criteria is used to qualify the best. For what a tank is designed to do, the Russian T34/85 is considered the best by some (including this writer as well as German tank crewman who fought against it). The Tiger had many good points, but it was expensive and had poor mobility on soft ground, and some consider the Panther to be the best German tank. The British Churchill had greater protection than the Tiger, but lesser mobility and firepower. In terms of quality, the US Sherman was badly outclassed by the Tiger and Panther, but it was simpler and produced in greater quantity than any other tank, thus overwhelming the German tanks by sheer weight of numbers.
T34 i believe............
Many think the German tanks were good, they weren't... Hitler played a large role in their design. he was obsessed with the whole impenetrable armour, gun to defeat them all kinda things, but he hated detail so when it came down to engine design little could be done. This lead to tanks that manoeuvred poorly and guzzled fuel. Things got worse. Hitler wanted his tanks to be the best. not the most successful the best. Little consideration was paid to how easy or economic it was to produce these tanks........
im talking about these German tanks to help u understand why the T34 was the best..... it was easy to produce and cheap but on top of that it had sloping armour and a high velocity gun. So it could beat all the German tanks while still being able to move quickly and manoeuvres well, in simpler terms the T34 was pretty good at getting to the fight and when it got their it was in bigger numbers had a smaller price tag and because of actual innovation more times than not won the tank on tank fights.
the best tank in world war two was most likely the tiger 3 or king tiger it was powerful, heavily armoured and maneuverable it's only disadvantage was it used too much fuel.
There was no such thing as the "Tiger III". The Königstiger ("Bengal Tiger") was a nickname of the Panzerkampfwagen Tiger ausführung B, or Tiger II. It was indeed a very good tank that had very heavy armor and a high quality gun, but was prone to malfunctions, and was terrible at gas consumption- which was exacerbated by fuel shortages in late-war Germany.
"Best tank" is too subjective. Best at what? Moving the fastest? Killing enemy tanks? Killing enemy infantry? Best armor? Most prolific? Being large and intimidating? Arguments can be made for many tanks depending on exactly what you're talking about. Here's a few examples to mull:
the british invented, and introduced it at the battle of somme
The tank was well in use by the start of WWII. They were first developed by the French and British during the First World War.
pzkw3 is a mid class German tank from in world war 2.
Wolframite was mainly used for tank armor in world war 2
Yes. It was the best in the world.
challenger 2 is the best tank in the world
The German World War 2 tank accelerated about 8mph.
The Hellcat
the tank
In tank factories
the German maus tank is the biggest tank of world war 2 even though only 2 were ever made but there is a bigger tank that was never made but had plans to be made it was the p. 1000 ratte tank and even bigger the p. 1500 monster tank.
the T-34 tank.