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At the start of the war, most of the uniforms were supplied under what was called the Commutation System (April 1861 - December 1861 / January 1862). These were uniforms procured either locally or nationally, with the Confederate Government agreeing to reimburse the cost. Many uniforms were issued by State authorities, some were from units that had been militia prior to the outbreak of hostilities. Many were made by local families for their sons, brothers, and husbands. There are cases of soldiers requesting items from home, as these first issue, or procured pieces, became useless. These tended to be items of need that were not met, usually socks, underwear, etc.

The first depot jackets appeared around late 1861, spring of 1862. What was called the second depot jackets appeared from spring 1862 to mid 1864, whilst the third and final depot jacket was issued from early 1864 onwards to the end of the war.

Confederate soldier's uniforms would often wear out or be badly torn and they would use the uniforms of the Union soldiers often causing problems as far as "who was the enemy."

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

you can find pictures of the civil war uniforms at ''confederate''

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βˆ™ 13y ago

the Confederate uniforms were light gray and so covered with dust it was difficult to distinguish them from those of the yankees.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

there really wasn't one.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

a grey uniform

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Confederate uniform color?

the confederate were a tanish gray color.. the union were a dark blue.. confederate believed in slavery.. union did not approve.. ANSWER. They wore gray uniforms but often also the "butternut" of homespun dyes.

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