The war ended when the North Vietnamese Army crashed their tanks through the front gates and parked their T-55 tanks on the South Vietnamese Capital's front lawn on 30 April 1975.
Each male resident had a draft lottery number- 1 to 365.. Jay leno's number was 233, much higher that the cut off number (150). Jay got lucky.
President Nixon campaigned on a platform of ending the Vietnam War, and the Congressional cutoff of funding for combat troops occurred a year before Ford became President. It was already clear that the victory of the North Vietnamese was inevitable, so it really wasn't an issue of "cutting and running."
Off the east coast of Vietnam.
It had an unfair impact on poorer citizens.
Cut off supply routes
give me the date of counsiling. MY cut off is 162.
counselling date & cut of mark?
Each male resident had a draft lottery number- 1 to 365.. Jay leno's number was 233, much higher that the cut off number (150). Jay got lucky.
Cut off supply routes
4 by March 1st to start Kindergarten
The Greek myths have no chronology: no year, no date...
There is a southern portion of Vietnam, but there is no country named South Vietnam anymore. That country disappeared off the map in April of 1975, when Northern tanks crashed thru the gates of the South's capital on that date.
Because people like it. Its horrible but its true... Their nature is to have tall beautifull tails. Their tailbone is cut off.
Word had reached the public that the draft was winding down; so the pressure was off of the US Citizens. The draft expired in 1971, but was extended for two more years by Nixon, then finally ended in 74/75.