This question is indirectly related to the "Vietnam Syndrome" (a loss of self respect and with a defeatist attitude). The Vietnam War has NO exact starting and ending date. Which added to the confusion to the men fighting the war, which fuelled a defeatist attitude. President Eisenhower sent US advisers to Vietnam in 1955. President Kennedy sent US Special Forces (Green Beret) to Vietnam in 1961. President Johnson sent US Marines to Vietnam in 1965. That's for the starting date. President Nixon had the "Paris Peace Accord" signed in 1973 ending the war officially for the US (we still had covert operations going on). The communists conducted a full scaled military invasion in 1975, capturing the capital of South Vietnam, Saigon, in April 1975, the war was over. That's for the ending date.
Historians are at a loss to confirm the EXACT date on the start of the Vietnam War. Involvement began in the 1950's and ended with the fall of South Vietnam in 1975. Most historians might be inclined to begin with the first name on the Vietnam War Memorial Wall. With names being added periodically, that too can change. But, some years ago, the earliest Kia engraved on the wall may have been dated 1961.
See website: Vietnam War
American involvement began in 1955. The first combat troops arrived in 1965, and we fought the war until January 1973.
From WWII thru Vietnam without stop.
On January 27, 1973, the Paris Peace Accords were signed with the goal of ending American involvement in Vietnam. The signers were North Vietnam, South Vietnam, the United States and the Provisional Revolutionary Government who represented South Vietnamese revolutionaries.
March 1959
hello motto
18th July 1914
there really isn't a set date
1955 South Vietnam.
1954 to 1975
What year did the vietnam war start
See website: Vietnam War
See website: Vietnam War
Australia never fought Vietnam.
France withdrew from Vietnam in 1954.