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Capturing Fort Sumter from the Union army.

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David Macejkovic

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3y ago
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10y ago

The first military action by the Confederacy was the seizure of Federal forts Moultrie, Johnson and Pinkney in the Charleston Harbor on December 27, 1860. These forts were evacuated the day before and the garrisons were moved to Fort Sumter. In April of 1861, Fort Sumter was attacked by forces led by General Beauregard, and surrendered. These actions began the US Civil War.

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15y ago

the first military act was that people had shut down cabnients in 1876 and mclantley had put the fort and ledley in the section for slaves to escape

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15y ago

The bombardment of the Union Fort Sumter was the first military action of the American Civil War.

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