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The glorification of war is, the best way of describing the tragety of war. It's similar to the fact of military.

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Q: What was the glorification of war and military?
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What does glorify war means?

I'm rather sure the term is Militarism, which means the glorification of armed strength and war.

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What is the meaning of glorification?

The act of glorifyng or of giving glory to., The state of being glorifed; as, the glorification of Christ after his resurrection.

What is the difference between glorification of war and the reality?

Here is a good example of glorification of war. In World War 1 and World War 2 young men, especially teens, would glorify war in their minds and hearts. They would think it would be exciting, great, and powerful. They got in the midst of battles and discovered it has horrifying, not glorifying. The reality of war set upon them. Many teens who lied about their ages often wrote to their parents to go to the war board and get them out of the war because they lied about their ages. Some did it from boot camp!