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When Martin Luther King Jr., made his "I Have a Dream" speech

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Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech

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Q: What was the highlight of the march on Washington?
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Which was the highlight of the March on Washington?

Martin Luther King Jr. speech"I have a dream"

Why does the march on Washington matter?

There have been many historical marches on Washington DC and they have historically shown the legislature that there is solidarity in the populace concerning an important issue. Many of the more famous marches on Washington have been regarding the passage of civil rights laws. In 1963 Martin Luther King Jr. lead a march on Washington known as the "March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom" where King delivered his now famous "I have a dream" speech. The march marked the tone of the era and subsequently is credited with helping pass the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Several other marches followed in the 1960s protesting the war in Vietnam. In 1995, the Million Man March descended on Washington to highlight minority and urban issues. The most memorable modern march is likely the Occupy Wall Street movement in 2011 that lasted 15 days from November 9-23 to protest the income gap. Their slogan, "We are the 99%" was meant to highlight that the top 1% in America at the time controlled over 42% of the national wealth.

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Bassmasters - 1985 Highlight Show was released on: USA: 6 March 2011

Where did the march on whashington happen?

The March on Washington happened in Washington DC. The March on Washington ended at the Washington DC mall. It is estimated that more than 100,000 people participated.

What is the exact date of the march on Washington?

The March of Washington was on the 28th of August 1963.

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Why did the Bonus Army march on Washington, D.C.?

What was the highlight of the year for mountain men?

26.2 Mile mountain man march

When did Taxpayer March on Washington happen?

Taxpayer March on Washington happened on 2009-09-12.

What day did the March on Washington start?

The March on Washington started on August 28th, 1963. :D

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did George Washington say "march to the relief of Boston"

Where did Martin Luther King say 'What are you doing for others'?

He said that at the March On Washington. He said that at the March On Washington.

What did A. Philip Randolph plan in an effort to protest segregation in the defense industry?

A march on Washington.