The underlying cause of the war was the colonists' unrelenting desire for more and more land, but the immediate cause for its outbreak was the trial and execution of three of Metacom’s men by the colonists.
Answer this question… Arab nationalist groups from Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan began to attack Israel.
lmmediate cause is the final act in a particular result or event
The final act in a series of provocations leading to a particular result or events
The Archduke Franz-Ferdinand. He was shot and killed by Gavrilo Princip in Sarajevo, Bosnia. This is immediate cause of the First World War.
The Immediate Cause was Beauregard firing on Fort Sumter. The Intermediate Cause was the secession of the Confederate States. The Ultimate Cause was Slavery.
Several things contributed to the start of the War Between the States. The most immediate cause was the South firing on Fort Sumter. The next direct cause was the secession of the southern states from the Union.
The spread of Communisim
You need to specify which war- Europe has had a lot of them.
The Thornton Affair.
Well, the immediate cause of secession deals with slaves and the rights of the civil war. Figure the rest out, because I can't
You need to specify which war- Europe has had a lot of them.
World War I had 4 long-term causes and one immediate cause. The assassination of the Austro-Hungarian archduke was the immediate cause, the reason war was justified enough to actually begin. The other four are the MAIN causes of the war, Miliatariam, Alliances, Imperialism and Nationalism.
The Germans had been slowly building up their military after the fall of the Weimar Republic; their invasion of Poland in 1939 was probably the most immediate cause of the world war.
The immediate cause of the first revolution in March 1917 was the disastrous impact of the First World War.
Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria.
The German invasion of Poland in 1939.