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It didn't. Michigan is the happiest place alive. Also very poor.

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there was none but i had sex with people

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Q: What was the impact of the New Deal in Michigan?
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What impact did new deal have on white ethnics?

It had no impact.

Which new deal program had the biggest impact on American economy?

Social Security

How did Americans benefit from the relief program in 1933?

because they had ta make an impact on the "New Deal" in order to take order for this program. because they had ta make an impact on the "New Deal" in order to take order for this program.

When was Michigan's first televised game?

deal or no deal

What was the impact the new deal had on various ethnic groups?

Mexicans also sucked but yet, the New Deal protected their right.... Even though they sucked too.

Who was the Michigan catholic priest known for his pro-fascist anti new deal radio broadcasts?

Charles Coughlin was the Michigan catholic priest known for his pro-fascist, anti-New deal radio broadcasts to 40 million national fans. - American Pageant 12 Edition

Which new deal act has had the longest impact?

Social Security is probably the most important New Deal program as it helped millions of senior citizens out of poverty.

Which of these New Deal programs would have had the largest impact on rural electrification during the 1930s?


What impact did new deal policies have on the economy of Georgia?

They raised the price of cotton and boosted the economy.

Which new deal program would have had the largest impact on the rural electrification during the 1930s?


Is there a new Michigan?

no there is not a New Michigan but Michigan is next to Wisconsin

What impact did new deal programs. and legislation. have on lives of industrial. workers?

The New Deal programs put a large number of unemployed back to work, and allowed them to join unions, giving them rights.