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At the Battle of Lepanto, the Holy League lost 50 galleys and suffered approximately 13,000 casualties. This was offset by the freeing of a similar number of Christian slaves from the Ottoman ships. In addition to the death of Ali Pasha, the Ottomans lost 25,000 killed and wounded and an additional 3,500 captured. Their fleet lost 210 ships, of which 130 were captured by the Holy League. Coming at what was seen as a crisis point for Christianity, the victory at Lepanto stemmed Ottoman expansion in the Mediterranean and prevented their influence from spreading west.

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Q: What was the main consequence of the defeat of the turkish fleet at the battle of lepanto of 1571?
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Turkish defeat 1571?

A major Turkish defeat in 1571 was the naval battle of Lepanto, which occurred of the coast of Greece, where the Holy League forces, under Don John of Austria, defeated the Ottoman forces under Ali Pasha. The Turks lost 3/4 of their entire naval forces, and 25,000+ men.

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The Ottoman Empire (Turks). It is worth noting that Spain did not defeat the Ottoman Empire on its own. It was in a coalition with numerous Italic States. Their union was called the Holy League.

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