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Without question the most famous aspect of the Vietnam War was Helicopter Warfare. For the first time, the US Army created the AIRMOBILE Infantry Divisions (Helicopter). WW2 created the US Army's first AIRBORNE Infantry Divisions (Paratroopers).

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Q: What was the most common war techniqe in the Vietnam war?
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What types of injuries were in the Vietnam war?

Shrapnel and bullets were the most common, in that order.

What was the Vietnam request in the Vietnam war?

The most common request made by US commanders during the Vietnam War, was a constant request to the President for: More men. (40,000 men a month were being drafted by 1968). This was called the "escalation of the war."

What was the primary religion for the US during the Vietnam war?

It seems that the word "Prot" or Protestant was the most common word stamped on men's dog tags in Vietnam during the war.

What was the most pointless war?

The Vietnam War.

Compare and contrast the Vietnam war and the American war?

Most people know what the Vietnam War is; what is the American War?

What is the Vietnam Veterans memorials nickname?

The "wall" is by far the most common name for it; because it's only ONE syllable and easy to pronounce. Other nick-names, "Vietnam Wall", "Viet War Wall", "Vietnam War Wall", to name a few.

When was the Vietnam war occurred?

The most commonly used dates for the Vietnam War are 1959 - 1975.

What is the most dangerous war in the world?

The most dangerous war in the world is the Vietnam War.

What historical event happened in Vietnam?

Most promenently the Vietnam war.

Was Vietnam the most grusome war?

No The Cold War and WW2 was

Who is the general of the north Vietnam during the Vietnam war?

Giap was the most known.

Who did not support the Vietnam?

Most of the hippies and liberals did not support the Vietnam. that's why we pulled out of Vietnam during the war. we did not pull out in world war one and world war 2 because america was geared in for the war, but Vietnam, not all of america was in for it.