eople were upset at the decision to fire General MacArthur. People wanted to have a clear-cut victory against Communism, but the "stalemate" didn't allow for that. People did not like learning that there were limits to American power, as the two super-powers after WWII were American and the Soviet Union. This was during the time of McCarthyism and the (Second?) Red Scare in the U.S.
The war in Vietnam was similar to the US Civil War because the war involved North Korea versus South Korea.
The outcome of the Chinese Civil War contributed to Cold War tensions because it resulted in the spread of communism which was contrary to the goals of the United States.
Korea was the first shooting war, in 1950. The civil war in China had just ended when North Korea attacked South Korea.
Korea was isolationist during the Civil War as Japan and China had been earlier, and the country had absolutely nothing to do with the war or the affairs of other countries. After the war a US ship (named the William T. Sherman) attempted to make contact with Korea, but the Koreans captured the ship and slaughtered everyone aboard.
i have problems with my homework too :)
Korea was split into two separate countries. There still is tension between them however.
Korea still remained a divided country, and it showed the United States that they were committed as a communist state. :)
It was the beginning of the Civil War.
Please specify which Civil War, there are a lot to choose from....
U.S. Civil War
It was the beginning of the Civil War.
Both sides were peaceful again, just how they were before the war!
The civil war ended with the union army defeating the confederacy.
President Truman ordered the 500 troops already stationed in Japan from WWII to support the South Koreans. He then sent a fleet into the waters between China and Taiwan. 90% of the 520,000 troops in South Korea were American.
The war in Vietnam was similar to the US Civil War because the war involved North Korea versus South Korea.
The outcome of the Chinese Civil War contributed to Cold War tensions because it resulted in the spread of communism which was contrary to the goals of the United States.
North Korea invaded South Korea.