Portland, Oregon is in the USA. The USA had no involvement in the Holocaust and as such did not lose anyone to the Holocaust.
That notion is inaccurate. Nazi antisemitism was obsessive and hysterical, but the notion that the Holocaust itself was 'mass hysteria' is based on the mistaken assumption that the German population was howling for Jewish blood and the Nazi leadership obliged, so to speak. The Holocaust was not driven by the German population. It was driven by forces much higher up the hierarchy.
In my opinion, the holocaust was the worst ever, but if u want me to go worse, how about the black plague? It killed about 1/3 of Europe's population! Search it on google for more info.
It reduced the population by 70%. it scared the entire Jewish community and it still haunts them today.
About 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust.
The 1928 population was 2,382
Portland, Oregon is in the USA. The USA had no involvement in the Holocaust and as such did not lose anyone to the Holocaust.
The second holocaust
to eliminate the Jewish population.
It reduced the Jewish population by about two thirds.
population of tottenham is very low due to the holocaust i think its around 100,000
Jewish Population
The Jewish population.
Just before the Holocaust that ranged from a small fraction of 1% in Denmark to about 10% in Poland.
The Jewish population of central Europe was devastated following the Holocaust. The Central Europe also suffered from disease and starvation.