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Q: What was the psychological effect of casualties in World War I?
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Related questions

What is the comparison between the casualties of World War I and World War II?

World War I resulted in around 20 million casualties, while World War II had approximately 70-85 million casualties. This means that World War II had a significantly higher number of casualties compared to World War I.

Did the BCATP have a positive effect for Canada in World War 2?

Keeping large members of Canadians at home.Less casualties.

Which war has had the most Russian casualties?

World war Two, Russian had over 10million casualties.

Why was World War 2 the deadlist war?

world war 2 was the deadliest war because there was more destruction,civilian casualties,and military casualties than any war.

How did the airplane effect World War 1?

The flamethrower is a type of weapon where the operator shoots burning fuel. Its effect on World War I and the soldiers who fought in it was mostly psychological; the injuries and deaths it inflicted were particularly gruesome.

How many casualties resulted from the World War 2 atomic bombs dropped on Japan?

See: Wikipedia World War II Casualties.

Army air corps casualties of World War 2?

who had th most battle casualties during the second world war, us.infantry

What were the total estimated Allied casualties in World War 1?

The total allied casualties of world war two with civilians and military goes up to 39,963,700 compared to the axis casualties of 48,231,700.

The Russian Revolution in February 1917 was caused at least in part by what factors?

Food shortages and heavy casualties during World War I

What were Switzerland's casualties in WW1?

Switzerland did not take part in World War One, it was neutral. It did not have an casualties.

What were casualties in WW11?

Wait there was a world war eleven??

How do you interpret mrs drovers psychological sate?

Because of her psychological instability, Mrs. Drover confuses World War II with World War I.