An "Adjutant" was responsible for the administrative details of the regiments, battalions, etc.......the bookkeeper.
The lowest rank was a private.
The rank was officially "musician". Drummers, fifers, and buglers were all classified as musicians.
Breckenridge served as a Confederate general, rising to three star rank as a Lieutenant General. He was the last Secretary of War for the Confederacy.
{| |- | Artif was short for Artificer. It wasn't a rank, it was a position. Each unit had one and they were basically a mechanic or repair person that took care of military equipment. |}
Chester A Arthur was the Quartermaster General of the State of New York and held the rank of Brigadier General United States Volunteers during the Civil War. Although he did not see action he was instrumental in supplying a large number of Union Troops during the Rebellion.
The lowest rank was a private.
He was a Major.
His rank was that of General, the highest rank attainable in the army of the Confederacy during the Civil War. He held the rank of Colonel in the United States Army before he resigned his commission.
Commander in Chief.
General and commander of northern forces towards the end of the civil war
Subdued rank insignia in the US Armed Forces wasn't introduced until the Vietnam war.
The rank was officially "musician". Drummers, fifers, and buglers were all classified as musicians.
The Confederacy had huge expenditures during the US Civil War. This hampered the rate of pay for the common soldier at the rank of private. Pay for them was $11 per month.
== == Major General.
Adjutant General is a position held by a general grade officer. Major General is a rank. The Adjutant General of the U.S. Army is a Lieutenant General which is higher than a Major General. At the state level, i.e. National Guard, the State Adjutant General is typically a Major General.
As might be expected, the Union had a number of officers with the rank of general in the US Civil War. At the end of the war, however, US Grant was in charge of the Union's fighting forces.
William T. Sherman could have asked to be appointed as a general when the US Civil War began. Instead he asked for and received the rank of colonel. He stated that he wanted to work his way up the chain of command based on merit. He eventually became a major and key figure in the US Civil War.