Roosevelt and Stalin were the two great appeasers in history. Both were cowards who allowed Hitler to slaughter millions.
AnswerRoosevelt thought he could control Stalin, thought he could trust Stalin, thought Stalin was a man who thought like him and desired the same things as him. Roosevelt was a fool to believe this.Stalin was a greedy, totalitarian dictator who would take whatever he could from anyone he could. He couldn't believe his luck that Roosevelt treated him so well and took everything he could from the American President, lying to him and ignoring treaties between them and Chuchill to get what he wanted then lying to Roosevelt again to keep what he wanted
As everyone around Roosevelt began to understand what a two-faced, self-serving man Stalin was and counciled Roosevelt to be more stern with him FDR continued in the mistaken belief that he could control and trust Stalin.
FDR's trust in Stalin was one of the greatest mistakes any American President has ever made.
the Potsdam conferenceWrong. Truman (not Roosevelt) attended the Potsdam conference in Jun (not Jan) 1945.The correct answer is the Yalta conference at Yalta on the Black Sea in Feb 4-11, 1945 between Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Spencer Churchill and Josef Stalin to discuss strategies for dealing with the end of World War II.
Frankline Roosevelt, Josef Stalin, Adolph Hitler and Winston Churchill.
Yalta . In Feb 4-11,1945 Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Spencer Churchill and Josef Stalin met to discuss what shoud happen when World War II finished.
Adolf Hitler Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Winston Churchill, Charles Degall Josef Stalin, Mussolini, Emperor Hirohito,
Chamberlain,Churchill,Stalin,Roosevelt,Truman,Hitler,King These are the important ones. You can find others in the related link.
The Yalta Conference between Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Soviet leader, Joseph Stalin took place near the end of World War Two to discuss terms for ending the war.
Roosevelt - Churchill - Stalin .
Sir Winston Churchill did.
That was called the Yalta conference. Roosevelt died shortly after it.
Joseph Stalin, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill.
Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin
Yalta . In Feb 4-11,1945 Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Spencer Churchill and Josef Stalin met to discuss what shoud happen when World War II finished. Yalta Yalta
Churchill, Hirohito, Hitler, Mussolini, Roosevelt, Stalin.
Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin were the Allied leaders.
At Yalta Roosevelt misread Stalin. Roosevelt said: "I think that if I give him everything I possibly can and ask for nothing in return, noblesse oblige, he won't try to annex anything and will work with me for a world of democracy and peace."
Answer this question…Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill, and Franklin D. Roosevelt
Winston churchill a Churchill was not associated in any way with Teddy Roosevelt!! He was, of course, a close ally of Franklin D Roosevelt, as was Stalin.