All of the major players in the cold war now had nuclear weapons. The Americans didn't trust the Russians, the Russians didn't trust the Americans. The British trusted nobody . - Believe me it's a wonder we survived it.
Communism verses the free world.
the Soviet Union was Comunist and America wasn't
Eastern European cities began to decay during the Cold War due to defunding and eliminating industrialization. Europe also borrowed money extensively from the United States.
Communism verses non-communists. But, communists and non-communists EXISTED before the cold war. The Atomic Age created the cold war. If no nuclear weapons existed, there would have been no cold war. There would probably have been a hot one. World War 3 if the the communists wished to start one. But without atomic weapons, it would have been a world war fought looking very much like the Korean War did; jets against jets, etc.
It was involve by contributing to the cold war
The Atomic Bomb caused the cold war.
The Cold War. Vietnam was a "hot" battle of the cold war.
Cold war.
Cold War.
The A-Bomb.
Communism verses the free world.
self insecure feeling
The cold war was not a war; it was a military stand-off (no war). Americans died to operational causes (accidents).
Vietnam was part of the COLD WAR. It was fought to stop the spread of communism.
Expansionism and Manifest Destiny were root causes of the Mexican American War.
Theres only one cause; nukes. If there hadn't been atomic weapons, there wouldn't have been a cold war.
It means you should research what were the causes of the tensions felt by the various sides during the 'cold war'.