The South's main strategy was simply to prevent the North from gaining territory for long enough that the northern people would decide the war. could not be won, or at least would not be worth the cost of winning so that Lincoln would be forced, politically, to stop the fighting and grant Southern independence. The South also depended on European countries to help them because they gave them cotton.
Northern strategy during the Civil War was three-pronged. First, great effort was made to retain the four border states (Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky, and Missouri) in the Union. Second, Union troops were charged with protecting Washington, D.C., and taking the Southern capitol of Richmond, Virginia. Third, a distinct western military effort was made with the objective of cutting the South in two along the Mississippi River and opening up the Deep South to invasion. Throughout, Union naval forces blockaded Southern ports in a supplemental operation to the military movements just mentioned.
pushing south freeing slaves destroy farms taking richmond
Winfield Scott's strategy, known as The Anaconda Plan, is what eventually won the war. Scott proposed the blockade of all Southern ports, followed by the capture of the Mississippi River, isolating the states east of the Mississippi from those West of the river, preventing reinforcement and resupply from Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas, leading to the gradual starvation of Southern forces. Grant added to the plan by capturing the Cumberland and Tennessee River Valleys as well, and by sending Sherman on the famous March through Georgia, which further isolated the breadbasket states, preventing them from providing provisions for the troops fighting in Virginia. Scott and Grant understood that by removing the means by which the South could make war, the armies would become futile in the field.
The original strategy was to blockade the Southern ports, seal the borders, starve the Confederacy out, then drive down the Mississippi and take on their weakened armies.
This plan was ridiculed as the Anaconda Plan (contricting the life out of the enemy), at a time when everyone expected the war to be short and glorious.
In the end, the Union strategy was actually very like this.
the souths plan was for to wait till the north gave up or got tired like fort Sumter
People solved their problems during the civil war, by brain storming, and using good strategies.
What where the strategies for the Fredericksburg war
The Allies had no 'strategy for [saving] the Jews in Europe' beyond winning the war. Until 1944 the Allies didn't even believe reports about the Holocaust, either.
Jefferson Davis
to recognition that they are their own "country" that is the main purpose why the south started the civil war
was the key general of the south during the civil war
Many before and after the war were white supremacists.
yes,he was president of the souths side
the union was winning the civil war
Before the War it was great. During and afterwards it was terrible.
=The war was fought in the south so the land was destroyed. And crops were taken.=
the souths plan was for to wait till the north gave up or got tired like fort Sumter
The souths plan to win the war was to repel the attacks instead of invading the North.
it caused inflation, prices rose 9,000 percent %
What the h*!@is that suposed to mean!?