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The spark that started WWII was when Hitler invaded Poland on September 1st 1939. This happened because Britain and France made a promise to Poland that they would protect them if they were ever invaded so when Germany invaded they had no choice but to declare war.

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for the us it was pearl harbor for everyone else it was hitlers mass murder of anybody who was not part of his perfect race

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Q: What was the spark that set off world war 2?
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What spark set off World War 1?

The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand.

The spark that set off world war 1 was the?

The spark that set of WWI was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria Hungary by a Serbian nationalist.

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The spark that set of WW1 was the assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria - Hungary.

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Franz Ferdinand was dead during the war, his role in WWI is that he was the spark, the event that set off the war when he was assasinated.

What assasionation started World War 1?

First off, an assination did not start the war itself. Tension had been building in the European countries for years. The assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand or Serbia was the spark that set off the forest fire.

What was the spark that cause World War I to ignite?

Murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria set-off chain reaction of national treaties guaranteeing alliances/protections and they honored those agreements until they were all at war with each other.The spark that caused the first world war was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand by Gavrilo Princip

What was the spark that led to the immediate cause to world war 1?

Murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria set-off chain reaction of national treaties guaranteeing alliances/protections and they honored those agreements until they were all at war with each other.The spark that caused the first world war was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand by Gavrilo Princip

.What was the spark that led to the immediate cause of World War 1?

Murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria set-off chain reaction of national treaties guaranteeing alliances/protections and they honored those agreements until they were all at war with each other.The spark that caused the first world war was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand by Gavrilo Princip

Why was the assassination of Frank Ferdinand the spark that set off World War 1?

because he was a prince and the assassin was from Serbia and Frank's family and friend and his people wanted the congress to declared war on Serbia and congress did so Serbia declared war on another country

Why do they set off nuclear bombs?

During World War 2 they set them off to test them, and to make Japan surrender unconditionally.

Why is Western Europe called the Powder Keg of Europe?

But Eastern Europe was prior to World War 1. There was a lot of tension between and among the countries and the first spark (the assassination of Ferdinand) set off the explosion.