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total war or March to the Sea

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Q: What was the term for General Sherman destruction to the south during the civil war?
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Who was credited with the destruction of Atlanta during the Civil War?

Union General William T. Sherman was credited with the destruction of Atlanta during the Civil War.

Who was the general who led his men on 300 mile destruction path during civil war?

William Tecumseh Sherman

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Sherman believed in what about the Civil War?

During the Civil War, General Sherman held strong to a total war policy.

What are examples of how destructive the civil war was to the US?

The best example of the Civil War's destruction is Sherman's March. Sherman was a Union general who destroyed Confederate farms and cities, including Atlanta.

Who was the union general who led the March to the sea during the civil war?

General William T. Sherman

Are any General Sherman people alive?

No, none of Gen Sherman's people are live today. General Sherman himself on February 14, 1981 and he served as General during the American Civil War in the 1800s.

Who is the general that introduced the idea of the total was during the civil war?

Wm. T. Sherman

What general was given the responsability of taking atlanta during the civil war?

Sherman believed in total war and burned the city to the ground. As he moved through the south he left a path of destruction and burned ruins.

Who burned atlanta during the civil war?

William Tecumseh Sherman. And to this day, no Southerner will ever name his child Sherman.

What important contribution did general William Tecumseh Sherman make the union war effort?

During the American Civil War, General William Tecumseh Sherman played a huge role in the outcome of the war by capturing Atlanta, and successfully destroying Confederate railroads and industries. Sherman believed in total war and left a path of destruction as he marched to Atlanta.

A quote from General Grant during the civil war?

Grant to Sherman: "Make Georgia howl!"