There were approximately 2.2 million Union troops throughout the entirety of the Civil War. Only about half of these were native-born Americans.
Approximately 360,000 Union troops and 258,000 Confederate troops died during the American Civil War.
A couple of things . . . when the Union forces won the battle of Pea Ridge (in northwest Arkansas), it gave the Union forces pretty much total control of nearby Missouri. It also was one of the few battles in which Union forces were outnumbered.
The Union Casualty Number is known shurley due to found documents is: Battle deaths:110,070Disease, etc.:250,152Total360,222The Confederate strength, known less accurately because of missing records, was from 750,000 to 1,250,000. Its estimated losses:Battle deaths:94,000Disease, etc.:164,000Total258,000
Hard to answer, but the total deaths were: Union, 369,000, Confederate, 258,000.
It was burned to the ground during Union Generals Tecumseh Sherman Total War.
9000.......Its over 9000!
The number of black Union troops is usually given as 180,000, out of about 2.1 million total Union troops.
Approximately 360,000 Union troops and 258,000 Confederate troops died during the American Civil War.
The battle was noteworthy as it was one of the few Civil War battles where the Union was outnumbered and the Confederate forces had a 3500 soldiers led by Colonel Stand Watie a Cherokee Indian. The total Rebel force numbered seventeen troops. Union forces numbered eleven thousand.
There were 360,000 Union soldier deaths and 258,000 Confederate soldier deaths during the American Civil War.
The human cost of the US Civil War was a heavy toll. On a percentage basis, the South lost approximately 20% of its military forces. For the Union, the percentage loss was about 16%. It would seem that because the Union forces were mostly on the offensive and the South on the defensive side of battles, that in pure numbers, the North may have lost more troops. One historian counts a total of 665,000 soldiers killed in total. Other's place the number smaller. None, however, has approximated the deaths below 600,000 men killed in total.
A couple of things . . . when the Union forces won the battle of Pea Ridge (in northwest Arkansas), it gave the Union forces pretty much total control of nearby Missouri. It also was one of the few battles in which Union forces were outnumbered.
From Shiloh through the Vicksburg campaign and the Battle of Lookout Mountain, Sherman served as Grant's subordinate in the Union Army of the Tennessee. When Grant assumed overall command of Union forces and moved to Washington, Sherman took command of all Union forces in the West (West of the Appalachians) and began his campaign of total war known as Sherman's March to the Sea.
11 States
There is no actual number, only approximations. An approximate number for total deaths on both the Union and Confederate sides is 625,000. Approximately 365,000 of those lost were on the Union side while approximately 260,000 were on the Confederate side.
About 36500 total union and 260,000 rebels. But, killed in action140,414 union and 72,524 rebels.