they used thing like swords, bow and arrows, crossbows, cannons, daggers and guns - (rifles and pistols).
The Tudors did not have guns, as they had not been invented yet. They were invented in the Stuart times, the period of time just after the Tudors. Although the Tudors didn't have guns they did have swords, bows and arrows, longboes, axes and all other sorts of weapons.
They use 4 weapons in the battle of Shiloh
how did the Chinooks make weapons
guns and bombs
they used weapons to fight and exacute people
what the tudors make in?
The Tudors did not have guns, as they had not been invented yet. They were invented in the Stuart times, the period of time just after the Tudors. Although the Tudors didn't have guns they did have swords, bows and arrows, longboes, axes and all other sorts of weapons.
N7. Lol
huge indoors fire places
The rack and the thumbscrew
it was tudors, then stuarts, then georgians
The Tudors were called Tudors because that was their surname. The first Tudor king's name was Henry Tudor.
tobacco juice for head lice
They hated bathing. That is why the use of perfume and cologne was popular.