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After joining the German army in 1914 during WWI, by 1919 he had advanced to Intelligence/Propaganda undertaking political training. He joins German's Workers party before discharging from the army in 1920, which he later changes to Nazi before becoming the leader in 1921. Using the Nazi party to position members in key political positions, Hitler became chancellor by 1933. After a general election, triggered by an assassination attempt, power of legislation is transferred to Hitler mid year. Hitler bans all other political parties and views during his reign.

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10y ago
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13y ago

Hitler achieved the iron cross (the equivilent to our purple heart) for taking a bullet for his Jewish officer during battle.

Other then that, I wouldn't consider the rest of what he did as an achievement, such as announcing himself emperor or becoming the leader of the Nazi party.

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By make he country develop

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the Holocaust !

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From 1933 to 1945.

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