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American Soldiers!!!!! What do you think they were called!!!

Wow, this guy.... They were called GI as in Government Issue

Actually the Germans called them "amis". Pronounced like Ummies (Plural)

Ami for one American soldier.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

A squad is 1 rank or 1/4 of 1 platoon, a co is 2 or more of those and a battalion is up to 7 companies together. Brigade 2 or more battalions, Division 3 or more brigades, Corps 2-5 divisions, Army 50,000 plus.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

A US soldier in World War 2 was called a "G.I."

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Q: What were American soldiers called during World War 2?
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