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To protect their towns from invasion.

A lot of field exercises and drills went into their training

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Q: What were World War 2 home guards duties?
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What was the Home Guard during World War 2?

A home guards job was to work on the farm and look after children. But they did not fight at war

Where did home guards work in world war 2?

A home guards job was to work on the farm and look after children. But they did not fight at war.From:

Was 70 too old for the home guard in world war 2?

Yes 70 was too old for the home guard in world was 2. Home guards were men aged 41-55. Yes 70 was too old for the home guard in world was 2. Home guards were men aged 41-55.

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they drank alot.

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"Women in World War II

What happened to the German guards after the war?

After they got out of prison, they went back home to rebuild their lives.

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Women typically were home makers before and after the American Civil War.

How did the Jews get let out of camps after world war 2?

the guards changed, or rather the orders changed.

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Stewart Granger was in the Black Watch