I don't know exactly what you mean by a 'microcause', but the underlying reason for the First World War was German desire for expansion - Germany had only recently (1871) re-united as a nation, and was conscious that it was behind the game in getting full nationhood, a full army and navy, colonies etc. The assassination of Franz Ferdinand was just an excuse to get going.
create a list of the cause of the world war 1
The Balkans crisis
Assasination of Franz Ferdinad?
I Really dont know
Name the 4 causes of world war I
what caused world war1 is the great depression
create a list of the cause of the world war 1
Find it out your self !!
The causes of World war 1 were, Imperialism, Nationalism, alliances, and Serbia sent assassins to kill Austro-Hungarian Prince Franz Ferndinand.
The Balkans crisis
sank the Lusitania