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There are many reasons to why the south rebelled against the Union, for one the north and south had different economies. North was factory work and people making a living on wages, while the South was plantations and wanted slaves who would work free and only recieve food, water and housing. When abraham Lincoln was elected president, the south was outraged due to the fact that he wanted to abolish Slavery. He wanted everyone to be free, but before this happened the Union had set up laws stating that slaves who entered into the free states had to return to their masters, that lasted for three years but then the South wanted state rights so they could vote on laws that where being passed. These are just some of why the South rebeled. If you take a look at everything though the North winning was a good thing for everyone even for the South sure they lost their slaves, (know one to wait hand and foot on them) but they learned that they can do things on their own. Now days we have great technology, great equipment, but some how we still can be cruel and hateful to people who have different skin colors, the world needs a little compassion. If we can do that then maybe one day the world would not be so evil. I once read a question "Do you think there will be a war to end all wars? I say no, due to the fact that there will always be somebody who wants to fight no matter what, over land, who is in control, and just about anything.

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13y ago
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14y ago

There were many reasons that would include economic as well as cultural but ultimately the south was fighting for their independence much like their ancestors during the American Revolution. Slavery was a predominant driving force but many would argue that it was not the main reason that most fought. It was not until Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation later in the war that the conflict began to be viewed as a fight to free slaves.

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12y ago

opposition to the war was strongest in georgia and and north carolina. barely half of georgians supported secession. there were nearly 100 peace protests in North Carolina in 1863 alone. yet only Virginia provided more troops to confederate armies than did north carolina.generally, regions with large slaveholding plantations supported thhe war more strongly than poor backcountry regions, where there were fewer enslaved people.

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13y ago

It left the Union because they were not getting excatly what they wanted, to alow slavery and to have equal representation in the Senate and /or government.

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13y ago

The Abomindable Tarrif was a good reason. Also, the South did not like Lincoln and South Carolina secended right after he got elected.

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13y ago

'cause Lincoln was elected

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