The cold war was inevitable after World War II. The Soviet Union joined the US and Britain in WW2 because of Hitler attacking the Soviets. However the Soviets were still angry with the US for invading it after WW1. Stalin had no reason to trust FDR and Churchill especially after the US used the atomic bomb on Japan. Stalin feared we would use the bomb on Russia next.
Source(s):…Treaties to reduce the weapons of mass destruction.
It was involve by contributing to the cold war
The Cold War was not "cold" per say, but was simply the name of a war that took place.
World War Two was an origin of the Cold War.
Yes, part of the cold war.
Bosnia/Kosovo, etc. are direct results of the collapse of the USSR (they are a result of the end of the cold war).
The cold war.
Treaties to reduce the weapons of mass destruction.
There was no "front" in the Cold War.
polands are not in the cold war
Reported results of cold + obsidian are:ObsidianLavaMountainFrostfireRainbowGlacierGhostAirScorchCoralPaperFlowerBlue Dragon
Because it was a cold war (no war).
Peace of the Cold War was from a settlement. The Cold War was a long and hard war.
The Korean war was the first hot war in the cold war.
It was involve by contributing to the cold war
The cold war did not spark the great war
new cold war