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Some very common first names for men must have been Bill and John, as in Billy Yank and Johnny Reb. Yank being Yankee and Reb being Rebel. The Yankees were the North, or the Union, and the Rebels were the South or the Confederates.

Back then they didn't really use names like Bill and John, they used more "Old time" than that. John, Johnny, Bill or Billy didn't really come in use til the 1900's and that really wasn't even til the middle of the 19th century. There were a lot of Geroge, Charles, Adams, Alexanders, Allens etc. back during that time.

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Last Names : Buckley, Mayor, Smith, Frenchie, Gado

First Names : Peter, John, Sap, Billy, York

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Q: What were some common last names during the United States Civil War era?
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