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US Airmen faced SAM's (Surface to Air Missiles) & MIG-17's, MIG-19's, MIG-21's, and AAA fire (Anti-Aircraft Artillery)...then they faced CAPTURE if shot down. ALL pilots and aircrewmen prayed to bail out of their aircraft, when hit, over Thailand or the ocean, where the US Navy could pick them up. US Sailors faced exploding mines placed in the rivers, when patrolling in their Swift Boats, PBR's (Patrol Boat River), Monitors (river battleships), or Alpha boats (ASPB's-Assault Support Patrol Boats). Or machinegun and RPG ambushes as they traversed the waterways, while serving with the US Navy's riverine forces (Brown Water Navy). Armor crewmen (tank crewmen) faced constant land mines (factory built anti-tank land mines from the Soviet Union/Red China), and RPG ambushes. US Army/US Marine infantrymen (grunts) faced everything: land mines, booby traps, snakes, poisonious insects, rats, mosquitos by the billions, high humidity, breaking through thick jungles with or without a machete, small arms fire, friendly air strikes & artillery (no tank to hide in) fire, enemy artillery & mortar fire, enemy sappers crawling into their firebase at night blowing up fuel depots and ammunition dumps, killing artillerymen with small arms fire (killing gun crews), etc.

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The fact that people were shooting at each other and getting bombed and burned to death and poisoned by the Americans.

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Lasted too long & and support back home disappeared.

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Q: What were some dangers for the soldiers in the Vietnam war?
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Were the soldiers of the Vietnam war respected after the war?

In America. the American soldiers? No. In Vietnam - the Vietnamese Viet-Cong? Yes.

What happened to some soldiers marriages in the Vietnam War?

The Vietnam War, was no different from past wars (US Civil War, WW1, WW2, Korean War, etc). Some marriages survived, some marriages did not.

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Approximately 2,594,000 US Servicemen served in the Vietnam War.

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