it was cold there
the three hardships are finding food, healing wounds, and shelter.
Little was known about what caused disease, how to stop it from spreading, or how to cure it during the Civil War. Surgical techniques ranged from the barbaric to the barely competent. Therefore, curing a patient was difficult.
the soldiers faced mines because during the war they were hidden so after they forgot about the mines and they would blow up and die.
The troops at Valley Forge faced many problems. First of all, it was winter and many of the soldiers did not have shoes, gloves, and jackets, so troops were dying from hypothermia. Also, they did not have vaccinations or medicines for diseases, so some died from that too.
They dinted have as good as rifles as the north, and they where losing more men than they where geting.
Reconstructing the south
Us civil war
The Union naval blockade prevented them from exporting their plentiful cotton.
snow storms
The Great Terror.
Vast stretches of the south lay in ruins
Although no example statements are given, there are a large number of problems that faced the South during the US Civil War, and they are well known Here are two major problems. Firstly the South's army was quite limited in potential size because of its low population. Secondly, the South lacked the manufacturing base and rail system to create products and transport them. The South also lacked a good navy.
Civil rights workers faced problems when dealing with people who did not agree with giving blacks civil rights. They also often had to contend with laws designed to prevent equality between the races.
Texans made several sacrifices during the Civil War. Many men left their families and farms to join the Confederate Army, leading to economic hardships and the disruption of daily life. Women took on new roles and responsibilities in managing households and farms, while also supporting the war effort through nursing and fundraising. The state also faced financial turmoil due to inflation and the blockades imposed by the Union.
all of them