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One of the largest changes I know of was women in the workforce. Before WWII, most women stayed in the home and didn't have outside jobs, but while their husbands were gone to fight the war, many women had to find jobs to support themselves and their family. After the war ended, many women chose to continue working because they liked the independence and of course, the money.

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βˆ™ 17y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Following World War II, many changes took place in American society. Namely, women refused to go back to being simply housewives after spending the war working. They enjoyed the freedom of working outside the home too much to give it up.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

American society changed in a positive way, becoming a supernation and a global power. After World War II the US realized that they could no longer remain isolated and that for them to prosper they must be engaged and active in the global community. Post WWII was the baby boom which led to a growing population for the states and the G.I. bill which helped war veterans re-enter society. Because of this bill more people were encouraged and were able to seek higher-education.America's thought that it was their mandate to curtail the spread of communism, such ideas led to the formation of NATO, ring of influence disputes in Germany, Vietnam, Korea, and Afghanistan, and also the Space Race. Society as a whole saw rising female workers and America became a family-oriented nation.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

War is a powerful instrument of social and economic change.

When WWII began, the United States attempted to remain neutral because the country was dealing with a severe economic depression and did not want to repeat WWI. However, little did America know that the war was a powerful tool that brought about significant social and economic changes, such as the end of the Great Depression, the beginning of the Women's Movement, and the start of other race movements.

  1. Ends Great Depression
    • Sure FDR helped combat GD through his New Deal (unemploymentàpublic works projects), but WWII:
      • Promoted defense spending-more money into circulation
      • 17 million new jobs were available for people
      • Agriculture and organized labor increased
      • Per capita income increases from $573 to $1074
      • Corporate profits increase 70%
    • Because of all of this: people are spending more à no more depression
    • During GD:
      • women lost jobs gained in 1920s (b/c of WWI) and were looked down upon for working if their husband was not
      • Took lower wages
      • Low pt for womens' movement-it was low pt for anything, since everyone was depressed…
    • Even though women was granted right to vote in 19th Amendment on Aug. 26, 1920, their respect was not held. They still needed to push forward in gaining more equality.
    • WWII allowed them this change-over 200,000 women served the military:
      • Women's Army Corps, WAC packed parachutes
      • women pilots known as WASP transported aircraft and performed flying duties around the US so that more male pilots could help the war effort
      • while in the Navy, Waves operated Links trainers and inspected aircraft to help male Navy pilots take the skies
    • Helping At Home-over 6 million women took wartime jobs in factories or filling in for men on farms, 3 million women volunteered with the Red Cross
      • A woman's role had traditionally been in the home--their children, and sometimes even husbands didn't believe that they were smart enough or strong enough to hold down a real job
      • Rosie the Riveter-icon that urged women into the workplace
        • Rosie the Riveter too became the true sweetheart of all the men overseas who knew that she was the riveter, welder, drill-press operator or machinist behind each and every tank, airplane, and machine gun that saved their life
  2. Sparks the Women's Movement
    • African Americans-sparking civil right movement
      • Over 2.5 million African-American men registered for the draft
      • they experienced discrimination and segregation but met the challenge and persevered
      • Fair Employment Practices Commission (FEPC)-created to insure fair hiring practices in defense industries
      • National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)-membership increased 0.5 mill.
    • Native Americans
      • 25,000 serve-many as codetalkers in Navajo language
      • Many move into cities and off reservations
    • Mexican-Americans
      • 200,000 serve and many move to cities for jobs
  3. Sparks other races' movements
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βˆ™ 14y ago

When the men came home from the war they had the GI bill to go to school and to get home loans, so many did just that. They built new factories, became doctors, teachers, lawyers, and invented new things. They got married and bought houses in the new suburbs that were being sold. The car dealers had new models of cars to sell since all the metal had gone to war production and they bought the new cars to use to go to work from suburbs. Freeways had to be built to take them from work to home and back. New inventions like the TV changed how people saw the world and how they saw each other. The war was a dark time so Americans were ready to dress in new more colorful styles and to go out to movies and ball games. Rock and roll began and movies were changing fashions. The world you see today reflects all of the changes that happened after WW2.
Public school systems expanded.
Birth rates increased.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

A social change could be the role of women in society.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

The end of WW2 marked the beginning of the atomic age. People all over the world had to learn to live with atomic powered ships, space vehicles, satellites, etc.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

the morale of the country rose signifigantly

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Because of the destruction of the war, both countries were focused to build new industrial plants. For many years, neither country spent much on defense.

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