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more technological resources

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Curtis Strite

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3y ago
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7y ago

For traveling troops down all their railroad tracks were exactly three feet apart. The south's railroads were all messed up and uneven. The ones in Virginia were different from the ones in Georgia. So, the north could just take one train to the battle while the south had to switch trains every once in a while. The population of the North was quite more then the south. The north was mostly factories. They could make weapons quicker then the south could trade with other countries.

The south still had advantages though. Better leadership was found there. Robert E. Lee turned down Lincoln's offer of being general for the union. Also "Stonewall" Jackson was a part of the confederacy.

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8y ago

The North had a larger population, so it could have more people to volunteer to be soldiers. Also, it had more industry, railroads and money, so they could supply, feed and move its army. Also, it had shipyards far enough away from harm to build a large navy. The South had to pay Great Britain in many situations to build warships for them.

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17y ago

The North was more developed than the south and had more industry to make war supplies. The North also had a larger population to fight with. In short the North had more staying power than the South.

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15y ago

During the first part of the 1800's the North and the South grew in different ways. In the North, cities were centers of wealth and manufacturing. There were many skilled workers. In the South there was not much manufacturing. There were not many skilled workers. Most of the people were farmers. Money came from plantation crops, like cotton, rice, sugar cane and tobacco. Slaves did most of the work on the plantations. During the Civil War the North and the South had some advantages that were helpful to their part of the country. The North produced three-fourths of the nation's wealth. They had a bigger army including thousands of black soldiers. The North also had better equipment and supplies to fight the war. The South had some advantages too. Most of the war was fought on Southern territory so soldiers did not have to travel so far. The South had better generals. Like Robert E. Lee and Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson. The South also grew cotton, which Europe needed.

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15y ago

industry and the navy. the navy helped to keep the south from getting the supplies they needed by setting up a blockade and the norths advanced industry helped to get guns and ammo as well as supplies to the northern troops

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8y ago

The North had several large advantage over the South during the US Civil War. Two were outstanding advantages. The North had a large manufacturing base to produce war supplies from firearms to clothing. The North also had a larger population from which to field their armies. One historian has calculated that the North's manpower advantage expressed as a ratio was 5 to 2 in favor of the North.

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17y ago

Because they could put boots on the ground, and the South couldn't.

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11y ago

The north had more factories and workshops to produce weapons and clothing for its soldiers. Also more railroads, banks, and men of military. The union army was very well supplied.

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13y ago

The most talented President America ever had

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Q: What were the advantages of the north going to war with the south?
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What advantages did the South have over the North going into the US Civil War?


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