The First Vietnames War was an effort to remove Vietnam from colonial rule by France. It ended at Dien Bin Phu, however by this time tht US was already involved as a result of such things as the CIA's assistance with such things as "Air America" which had provided air transport and delivery elements during that conflict. The Second Vietnamese War or the Vietnamese- American war was simply a continuation of the conflict. US Forces were introduced as advisors to the South Vietnamese Military and the situation slowly and gradually increased. The end resulst was a unified Vietnam under Communist control.
i guess that's okay. i would say to prevent the spread of communism. from the American point of view.
The draft.
Q who was the victor of the Vietnam war? A I have no idea who won the Vietnam war!!!!
The long term causes of the Vietnam war were traced back to the Cold War. This was based on the fear that America had of communism spreading across the Asian continent.The long term causes of the Vietnam war was communism taking over southeast Asia. The United States feared this spread of communism.
No, the Vietnam War was in Vietnam
hitler hated the homosexuals, jews, and mentally ill. those are some of the causes and the effects are a lot of people died.
1. Cause-Communist aggression 2. Effect-War War=Self explanatory
The effects of the Vietnam war were devistating. Leaving many deragened and mental.
The Cold War. Vietnam was a "hot" battle of the cold war.
The Vietnam War was caused by the rise of a Communist government in south Asia. The effect was millions of American soldier deaths.
Cold war.
Cold War.
politicians and greed
The draft.
Public discontent.
The 21st century's F22 Raptor is still armed with a 20mm cannon, thanks to the Vietnam War.