the main cause of the quasi war was the signing of jays treaty between us and British I dnt know y this enraged the French but ti causedthem to strt seizing cargo going to britian from us eventually there was small battles at sea but the signing of the convention of 1800 ended it
what were the results of the quasi-war
John Adams
The Quasi-War between the United States and France was an undeclared war and was fought entirely at sea, from 1798 to 1800. Most of the conflicts were in the waters off the South Coastof the USA and the Caribbean Sea.See 'Related Links' below
XYZ Affair
It was a quasi-absolute monarchy with parliamentary trappings.
what were the results of the quasi-war
Quasi-War happened in 1799.
The Quasi-War, also known as the Franco-American war, was fought mostly on the sea and between several countries. The war ended when America and the Royal Navy teamed up.
The Quasi-War began.
what question :-(
It was John Adams, the 2nd President of the United States, that ended what was known as the Quasi-War. The war ended with the Treaty of Mortefontaine.
The effects of the Quasi War with France was that the good relationship the United States had with France was sullied. It took place from 1798 to 1800.
John Adams
James Monroe
The US and the French Republic.
The Quasi-War between the United States and France was an undeclared war and was fought entirely at sea, from 1798 to 1800. Most of the conflicts were in the waters off the South Coastof the USA and the Caribbean Sea.See 'Related Links' below