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The trenches of World War 1 were muddy. The solders could not get clean. Many solders had infections in their penises. Jews did not. Americans circumcised all their solders to get rid of the infections caused by the filth. At that point circumcision became popular among white Americans. Since Black Solders were not used in the front lines but in supply, they were not circumcised. Circumcision is not generally practiced among Black Americans.

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14y ago
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12y ago

The trenches were muddy, dirty, full of lice and rats, if it rained you were in for it. sometimes it was as if you were walking though a dirty swimming pool. there was a horrible disease which the soldiers called trench foot. the sympyoms of this are feet swelling up to about 3 times the normal size, numbing of the feet so you wouldn't be able to feel them and after all this had happened you had a horrific pain in your feet i remember hearing people cry out in pain when they put their shoes on.

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12y ago

well they were TERRIBLE!!! the trench would be really deep and filled with mud. If you were in a trench there were preetty good chances that if you werent dead the person next to you would be and he'd basically be your neighbor for as long as you were there (which was pretty long) plus you wouldn't really eat at all, you'd have to suffer watchin people die right next to you, disease went around, plus the trench would be filled with swarming cockroaches and rats and other pest! Also people would have trouble getting out of them and if you were invaded by the survivors of the 'no-man's land' they would just jump in and kill whoever they got to. Oh and you were dead if a plane came ovr you and dropped a bomb or if you tried to cross no mans land where there were bombings, mines (explosives underground that exploded when stepped on), and barbed wire. Hope this helped, i just finished the topic myself, now I'm learning about the Holocaust and World War 2 and we watched a documentary called 'Paperclips' about this class collecting paperclips to represent all who died in the holocaust and it was really an eye opener. i cried. my friend recommended it to my teacher to watch so you could do the same thing wen you get to that topic. Its a really nice movie to watch and it really means alot, my class is righting letter to them. have a nice day! :-)))

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15y ago

The soilders slept on sheets in the mud many of them would sink in the mud one man fell asleep and got suffocated in the mud!!

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12y ago

I believe that the trenches wouldn't have been much better than they were in world war 1. If they were better, they would have been more like the ones the Germans had in world war 1.

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12y ago

the condition in the trenches were really poor with water up to your hip.the trenches even had rats as big as a cat which will eat your foot.

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Q: What were the conditions of the trenches like in world war 2?
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What were trenches like in world war 1?

The Trenches were grotty , digusting and they had no room

What were the World War 1 trenches like?

The Trenches were grotty , digusting and they had no room

How many people died because of the living conditions in the trenches of World War 1?

About 200,000

What contributed to most of the casualities in World War 1?

The poor conditions in the trenches and the constant shelling.

What were World War 2 trenches like?

there really wasnt trnch warfare in world war 2

What was the trenches like in World War 1?

Answerliving conditions in the trenches are hard why is it hard to live in the trenchesMany of Brittish soldiers died because of disease. The sanitary conditions in the trenches are quite poor, and common infections included dysentery, typhus, and cholera. Many soldiers suffered from parasites and related infections. Poor hygiene also led to fungal conditions.

What does the trenches mean in World War 1?

they fought in the trenches ww1 was known as a war in the trenches

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What were the Trenches of World War 2?

they were loads of fights in the world war 2 but the trenches saved a few of them if you would like any more help go to www.Trench

How was the trench conditions in world war 1?

Very poor. The trenches filled with water after it rain, it was also cramped.

What were the conditions for the soldiers during World War I?

Deplorable sanitation conditions in the trenches led to outbreaks of disease. Trench Foot was pandemic, and morale was low.

How long did the trenches stretch and were trenches used during World War 2?

Trenches were a trademark of the first World War. They were extensive and elaborate. They were not used in World War II. Are you trying to find out the length of ALL the trenches together?