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France - Wanted Revenge because of the fact that Germany had invaded them 40 years previous to World War One.

America - wanted peace.

Britain - wanted justice, not revenge. Believed that some element of peace should be kept but went around winning elections under the subterfuge of making Germany pay.

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George Clemenceau of France wanted to take revenge against Germany and punish it harshly. This is because Germany had invaded France in the First World War and caused it to lose two thirds of its army.

He wanted Germany to pay for all the damage it had caused in the First World War.

He wanted to weaken Germany so it could not invade France again.

He argued with Lloyd George of Britain and Wilson of the USA because they both were far away from Germany and therefore protected but France was not protected.

Woodrow Wilson of USA wanted to punish Germany but not too harshly and make a fair peace.

He wanted to keep the world safe and to disarm Germany so that they could settle their disputes without violence.

He also wanted to create a League of Nations that could judge and settle disputes between countries. He asked Clemenceau to make the punishment of Germany 'moderate'.

David Lloyd George of Britain wanted to punish Germany but not too harshly. He wanted 'justice' but not 'revenge'. Punishing Germany too harshly may cause wars with Germany in the future when they recover from their punishment. He wanted Germany to pay for the entire cost of the war. He also wanted to increase Britain's trade and maintain British control of the seas and expand the British Empire. He wanted to reduce Germany's navy because he thought they were a threat to the British navies.

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Q: What were the different aims of the big three at Versailles?
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Why did the aims of the Big Three at Versailles differ?

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The treaty of Versailles was signed by the big three power as a peace settlement with?


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OK, let's go through each member of the Big Three in turn... First, Woodrow Wilson, president of USA... He happened to be a bit of an idealist, and this was reflected in his aims for the Treaty of Versailles (think of the 14 points). He wanted to build a stronger world out of the carnage of the war. The other two thought his views were a bit too idealistic. Next, Georges Clemenceau, prime minister of France... His nickname was the tiger. His country had suffered more than any other in the war, as most of the fighting took place on French soil. He and the rest of France had watched their country burn and they wanted revenge. Therefore, he helped make the Treaty harsher than perhaps the other two of the Big Three desired. The last member, David Lloyd George, prime minister of Great Britain, had opinions and aims for the Treaty that can be considered to be 'in the middle' of the others' - but this doesn't mean to say that he wasn't biased. Britain did a lot of trade with Germany and Lloyd George wanted Germany to be able to continue with this. However, Britain had lost a huge number of soldiers and the public clamour for revenge could not be entirely ignored. This affected the Treaty in that it helped to make it harsh, but not as harsh as Clemenceau had wanted. The culmination of all these different aims for the Treaty ended in a result which nobody out of the Big Three were satisfied with - in fact no country at all liked the Treaty. Their aims were all so varied that they could never really reach an appropriate decision.

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There were four. Italy, Great Britian, France, and the United States. It was after World War One.

What are the Aims and objectives of jcb?

how are you big boy

Why there were disagreements between the Big three at the peace conference held in Paris after th war?

because they could not come to terms on how to treat germany, 'the treaty of versailles?

The Versailles treaty was between?

The Treaty of Versailles was between Germany and the Allies/Big Four(America, England, France, Italy).

Did the big 3 agree to the terms of the Treaty of Versailles?

Yes they did

Who were the Big 4 and what was their role in ending World War 1?

The ones more commonly known are the Big Three - George Clemanceau (France) David Lloyd George (Britain) and Woodrow Wilson (America). Their role was to decide what would happen to Germany for starting the war in the first place. They met in the Hall of Mirrors (Palace of Versailles in France) in 1919 and drew up the Treaty Of Versailles

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The treaty of Versailles put us into world War 2. That is because it caused a big struggle in Germany and they wanted revenge then.